European Ship Suppliers Organization
OCEAN - the European Ship Suppliers Organization - is the voice of the Ship Supplying Industry of Europe. Founded in 1976 under the French Title “Organisation de la Communauté Européenne des Avitailleurs de Navires”, today OCEAN concentrates its work on achieving an optimum business climate for European Ship Suppliers and on strengthening the competitiveness of the industry as a whole.
OCEAN plays an important role in creating better understanding of the Ship Supply industry in Europe. Our organization is committed to transparent and open communication and inclusive dialogue between our members and European policy-makers.

Today, OCEAN represents over 750 Ship Chandlers (more than 250,000 jobs) who supply a wide range of goods to several hundred thousands ships annually in most of the 1,200 merchant ports throughout the 70,000 km of the European coastline. Ship Suppliers provide a 24 hour service throughout the year and are an essential element of modern maritime trade and a vibrant shipping industry, which is responsible for 90% of the EU's international trade and around 40% of the freight exchanges between EU Member States (Source: EU Commission).
OCEAN speaks on European policy matters affecting our daily business, particularly Customs (import, export and transit); Taxation (Excise & VAT); Veterinary rules and Maritime Affairs.

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