Bienvenue |
Au nom de l’ensemble de ses membres, l'Union Européenne du Commerce du Bétail et des Métiers de la Viande (UECBV) vous souhaite la bienvenue sur son site.
L'Union Européenne du Commerce du Bétail et des Métiers de la Viande (UECBV) est l'émanation des fédérations nationales représentant les marchés aux bestiaux, les commerçants en animaux vivants et en viandes des espèces bovine, chevaline, ovine et porcine, et les industriels de la viande (les abattoirs, les ateliers de découpe et de préparation des viandes).
Cinquante fédérations nationales ou régionales, issues de vingt-quatre des vingt-sept Etats Membres de l’Union européenne mais aussi du Japon, de la Norvège, de la Suisse, de la Turquie et de l'Ukraine. Au total, quelque 20.000 entreprises de toutes tailles et 230.000 emplois sont regroupés au sein de l’UECBV et ses fédérations nationales et internationales.
Lors de son élection en octobre 2023, le nouveau président de l’UECBV a déclaré que
« La viande est un élément très important de l'alimentation humaine. L'industrie européenne du bétail et de la viande fournit une viande de haute qualité, elle doit être appréciée et respectée en Europe. L'UECBV est une organisation clé pour aider à transformer les défis auxquels nous serons confrontés en termes d’opportunités pour le secteur du bétail et de la viande au cours de la prochaine décennie. » - Laurens Hoedemaker.
Actualités |

This year’s special event took place from 27th to 29th October in Warsaw under the motto“Match more than Meat”.
It‘s public part upon the kind invitation of the Polish Meat Association celebrating their 30th anniversary under the patronage of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Chief Veterinary Officer and the Director General of the National Centre for Agricultural Support and installing an international meat conference 29th October.
The main topics of this congress were
- The impact of Ukraine on the meat sector in Poland and the EU, including the concept of feeding 600 million people;
- The New Silk Road of meat trade between Central Europe and China within the Agrohub;
- Artificial intelligence, or how it can be used in the meat industry;
- How to talk to consumers about meat in an era of widespread hoaxin;
- Is artificial meat needed by the meat industry?
- Plant protein other than soya.
Participants signed the following declaration
Declaration of the Establishing of World Meat Day
The right to consume animal protein is an inalienable human right. Without it, the maintenance of human life and the growth of a young organism will be compromised. Animal protein is the foundation of modern civilization and modern humanity.
Animal protein is an indispensable dietary component. In its absence, hunger and malnutrition persist, historically leading to conflicts and the collapse of societies.
Today, the meat sector actively promotes sustainable development and drives agricultural productivity. Animal breeding has improved the living standards of rural communities, bolstering resilience in both rural and urban areas during crises. Furthermore, livestock farming is essential for international governance and trade relations.
Therefore, we, the representatives of farmers, livestock breeders, meat processors, and scientists, recognizing the significance of animal breeding and meat production for human well-being and sustenance, along with the nutritional security of nations, solemnly establish June 6 as World Meat Day.
By adopting this Declaration, we aim for its lasting integration into agriculture, livestock farming, and the meat industry, as well as into the collective consciousness of all nations, serving as a continuous reminder of the significance of animal protein for human existence and national economies.
UECBV Secretary General, M.Maier salute Jacek Strzelecki, President of the Board of the POLISH MEAT Association |
Note to the Editors:
The European Livestock and Meat Trades Union (UECBV), founded in 1952, is the EU voice of national federations representing livestock markets, livestock traders (cattle, horses, sheep, pigs), meat traders (beef, horsemeat, sheep meat, pig meat), and meat industry (slaughterhouses, cutting plants and meat preparation plants).
Brought together within the UECBV are:
- an international association i.e. the European Association of Livestock Markets (AEMB),
- a Young European Meat Committee (YEMCo),
- the European Natural Sausage Casings Association (ENSCA),
- the Organisation of European Ship Suppliers (OCEAN),
- fifty-two national or regional federations in twenty-four of the twenty-seven Member States of the European Union, as well as Japan, Norway, Switzerland, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.
In total, some 20,000 firms of all sizes and 230,000 jobs are represented within the UECBV through its national member federations.
For more information, please contact:
Karsten Maier, Secretary General (+32 493 34 14 68 / KMaier@uecbv.eu)
Activités |

We are kicking things off with a series of two very pertinent one-hour online webinars, free for all confirmed YEMCo Members to Join: •Wednesday 28th June 2023 - 17:00 to 18.00 CET “Sustainability – What does it mean for young meat leaders of the future” – lead by Hélène Simonin, UECBV Sustainability Officer. •Wednesday, 5th September 2023: “Communicating the benefit of meat consumption for EU citizens: What young leader needs to know and do NOW!” – Sara Lopes, UECBV Research Scientist.