UECBV celebrates the election of the new President at Annual General Assembly followed by an International Conference in Warsaw, Poland |

Mr. Roland Ackermann is the new president for European livestock and meat. CEO of the Austrian Company ‚Alpenrind‘ and UECBV Vice-president he stands for deep experience in the sector, leadership in Europe and pursuing common adaptations for a sustainable future.
UECBV members unanimously elected Mr. Roland Ackermann, the 54-year-old CEO of Alpenrind GmbH and Board member of the Austrian Economic Chamber, as well as UECBV Board and Steering Committee as Vice-President for the Meat Industry Section.
He affirmed the UECBV future in its commitment to sustainable meat production, meat trade and livestock trade in Europe.
He highlighted that “the livestock and meat sector are central and essential for sustainable agri-food systems now and in the future”.
UECBV’s vision is that of a fully resilient agri-food system, providing food and nutrition security to all EU population and beyond.
At the same time it would continuously increase sustainability in all dimensions – economic, environmental and social - for a long-term prosperous strive of people and planet together.
This year’s event took place from 27 to 29 October in Warsaw under the motto “Match more than Meat”, including a wide conference celebarting the 30th anniersary of the Polish Meat association.
UECBV also chose it‘s Steering Committee, besides President three vice-presidents, Treasurer and three additional members: Knud BUHL, DK, was elected to succeed Roland ACKERMANN as Vice-President of the Meat Industry Section; both, Heinz OSTERLOH, DE, Vice-President of the Livestock Section and Calle RAMVALL, SE, Vice-President of the International Trade Section were re-elected. Re-elected were the Treasurer, Jose FRIGULS, ES, and Arnaud ROCHARD, F, while new members became Esther VAN NIEUWKERK, NL, and Michael GORE, BE.
Roland ACKERMANN thanked his predecessor Laurens HOEDEMAKER from The Netherlands, who is taking a step with new challenges at the national and European level.
from left to right : Czesław Siekierski Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Poland - UECBV President M.Ackermann - POLISH MEAT Association Jacek Strzelecki President of the Board - UECBV Secretary General M.Maier
Note to the Editors / or more information, please contact: Karsten Maier, Secretary General (+32 493 34 14 68 / KMaier@uecbv.eu)
The European Livestock and Meat Trades Union (UECBV), founded in 1952, is the EU voice of national federations representing livestock markets, livestock traders (cattle, horses, sheep, pigs), meat traders (beef, horsemeat, sheep meat, pig meat), and meat industry (slaughterhouses, cutting plants and meat preparation plants).
Brought together within the UECBV are:
- an international association i.e. the European Association of Livestock Markets (AEMB),
- a Young European Meat Committee (YEMCo),
- the European Natural Sausage Casings Association (ENSCA),
- the Organisation of European Ship Suppliers (OCEAN),
- fifty-two national or regional federations in twenty-four of the twenty-seven Member States of the European Union, as well as Japan, Norway, Switzerland, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.
In total, some 20,000 firms of all sizes and 230,000 jobs are represented within the UECBV through its national member federations.