Our network
When it comes to more specific and technical subjects UECBV also works in close collaboration with other public and private organisations that deal with matters of interest for the EU meat sector.
These collaborations aim at increasing the overall impact of all of UECBV’s actions through potential synergies.
These collaborations aim at increasing the overall impact of all of UECBV’s actions through potential synergies.
- europabio
- European Council of Young Farmers
- European Liaison Committee for the Agri-Food Trade (CELCAA)
- Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE)
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- FoodDrinkEurope
- International Meat Secretariat (IMS)
- Damm Jonas
- Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
- Université de Liège
- World Health Organization
- World Trade Organization (WTO)

- E-mail office general : info@clitravi.eu
- Internet : www.clitravi.eu
- Address : CLITRAVI, 18 Bd Baudouin (bte 4), 1000 Bruxelles

- Internet : www.coceral.com
- E-mail office general : secretariat@coceral.com

- Internet : www.codexalimentarius.org/codex-home/en

- Internet : www.copa-cogeca.eu
- E-mail office general : mail@copa-cogeca.eu
- Phone office general : +32 22872700
- Fax office general : +32 22872711
- Address : COPA-COGECA, 61 Rue de Trèves, 1040 Bruxelles (Etterbeek)

- Phone office : +32 2 737 05 88
- Fax office : +32 2 230 00 78
- Internet : www.eurocommerce.eu
- Address : EUROCOMMERCE, Avenue des Nerviens, 85, 1040 Bruxelles (Etterbeek)

- E-mail office general : m.gomez@europabio.org
- Internet : www.europabio.org

European Council of Young Farmers
- Internet : www.ceja.eu

European Liaison Committee for the Agri-Food Trade (CELCAA)
- E-mail office general : info@celcaa.eu
- Mobile : +32488368347
- Internet : www.celcaa.eu
- Address : European Liaison Committee for the Agri-Food Trade (CELCAA), Rue de Tamines, 10, 1060 Bruxelles (Saint-Gilles)

Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE)
- Internet : www.fve.org
- E-mail : info@fve.org
- Address : Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE), Avenue de Tervueren 12, 1040 Bruxelles (Etterbeek)

- Internet : www.fefac.eu
- Fax office general : +32 2 230 57 22
- Phone office general : +32 2 285 00 50
- E-mail office general : fefac@fefac.eu
- Address : FEFAC, rue de la Loi 223, 3ème étage, 1040 Bruxelles (Etterbeek)

- Internet : www.fefana.org
- Address : FEFANA Asbl, Avenue Louise 120 - B. 13, 1050 Bruxelles (Ixelles)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- Internet : www.fao.org/index_en.htm
- Address : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy
- Address : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Commodities and trade division, Room D-818, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy

- Internet : www.fooddrinkeurope.eu
- Phone : +32 2 5495642
- Fax : +32 2 5112905
- Address : FoodDrinkEurope, 43 Avenue des Arts, 1040 Bruxelles (Etterbeek)

International Meat Secretariat (IMS)
- Internet : www.meat-ims.org/en/index.php

Damm Jonas
- E-mail office direct : joda@lf.dk

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
- Internet : www.oecd.org

Université de Liège
- Internet : www.ulg.ac.be

World Health Organization
- Internet : www.who.int

World Trade Organization (WTO)
- Internet : www.wto.org
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