Changement climatique – Environnement
Plusieurs maillons de la filière européenne de la viande ont créé une CELLULE DE RÉFLEXION dans le but de doter la filière concernée d’une bonne base pour étendre la collaboration et la coopération entre les organisations du secteur agroalimentaire afin de relever des défis communs et de promouvoir la durabilité environnementale. Pour en savoir plus, cf. Cellule de réflexion « viande et durabilité ».
Documents à télécharger
- EU Agri-Food Sector - Market & Sustainability Trends
- Meat Market Observatory – Meeting 14th June 2019 - Minutes
- CDG Direct Payment and Greening 29 03 2019
- Dutch new protein trends - the use of seaweed
- GHGEs_Meat consumption reduction_UECBV note
- UK trends and contradictions - the future of plant-based and lab-grown meat
- Eating less meat for ethical, health and environmental reasons-EFSA Executive Director statement
- Gene editing and “no-GMO” legislation trends in the EU
- Greenpeace calls for a 50% worldwide livestock reduction
- 13923-Environmental issue-The plastics packaging strategic challenge
- 13791-Solutions Menu A Nordic guide to sustainable food policy
- 13714-New guidance to help consumers make better meat choices - Main points
- 13467-Dietary iron intake functions and sources
- 13373-Sixth meeting the HLF Sherpa Group 9th March 2018_Main outcomes
- 12937-Zinc content in red meat zinc intake and human health
- 12798-The rise of big meat Brazil Extractive Industry
- W2R_July2017_PressRelease
- Meat_terminology_plant_product_Doc.10299_Rev.1
- Note concerning feed conversion rate resource efficiency indicator REV12
- letter definition - sustainable food system
- UECBV - Climate Change Taskforce position vis-a-vis the environmental challenges