L’UECBV s’implique activement dans les questions liées aux échanges, d’autant que l’un de ses objectifs fondamentaux est l’aboutissement de conditions commerciales optimales pour les opérateurs du secteur du bétail et de l’industrie de la viande partout dans l’Union européenne et dans le monde.L’UECBV s’est engagée à consolider le marché unique qui représente une opportunité unique de promouvoir une situation d’égalité dans l’ensemble de l’UE. De même, l’UECBV traite spécifiquement des problématiques relatives aux importations et aux exportations dans le cadre de sa section consacrée au commerce international. Les opérateurs du secteur du bétail, du commerce et de l’industrie de la viande doivent non seulement se concentrer sur le marché unique mais également suivre l’évolution du marché mondial en raison de l’interaction étroite entre les deux marchés. C’est pourquoi l’UECBV surveille régulièrement les flux commerciaux et le développement de la politique commerciale au niveau de l’UE et des pays tiers partenaires afin de promouvoir au mieux le commerce européen ET le commerce international. Tous deux contribuent au maintien de l’équilibre du marché.
Documents à télécharger
- AMR - Imports - Requirements on VMP for third countries
- world map TRQ PDF
- SPS MAWG - 7 April 2022 - Preliminary Outcomes
- Advisory Group on the food chain and animal and plant health in relation to the trade with UK (GB): Brexit – Meeting on 24 March 2022 - Report
- BREXIT - DAG under TCA - Meeting 4 February - Main outcomes
- Exporting to China - new rules for registration 2022
- SPS MAWG - 16 and 18 november 2021 - Preliminary Outcomes
- Advisory Group of the food chain and animal and plant health in relation to the trade with GB – Meeting 15 September 2021 - Report
- SPS MAWG - Brexit - 28 June 2021 - Outcomes
- Advisory Group of the food chain and animal and plant health in relation to the trade with GB – Meeting 18th June 2021 - Report
- Meeting of the Advisory Group on the Food Chain and Animal and Plant Health in relation to trade with UK(GB) - Main outcomes
- EU Agri-Food Sector - Market & Sustainability Trends
- Civil Society Dialogue EU-Mexico Sustainability Impact Assessment 04072019
- MERCOSUR-Follow-up-Focus on Timelines-3July2019
- MERCOSUR – trade – split for beef – first confirmed details 1 July 2019
- Meat Market Observatory – Meeting 14th June 2019 - Minutes
- EU/Mercosur Trade Deal Negotiation - Warning Letter and Opinions
- UECBVNote Beef import tariff quotas preferential import 2018-19_Update 30Apr2019
- Briefing Note Vietnam poultry CPGroup
- Foreign Affairs Council - trade issues 27May2019
- EU-US trade_state of play of negotiations and tensions
- CSD on Trade Defence Instruments
- EU trade agri products with rest of the world 2018
- Short-term outlook for EU agricultural market in 2018 and 2019
- Summary Rabobank ASF April 2019
- CSD EU-Indonesia Trade negotiations state of play 10 April 2019
- CSD EU-Chile Trade negotiations state of play 10 April 2019
- UECBVNote Beef import tariff quotas preferential import 2018-19_Update 31Jan2019
- UECBV_Note_PWC_AmCham_event_Brexit
- TCG_Brexit meeting 8 March 2019_guidance-customs_UECBV summary
- Beef and Veal Forecast Working Group Meeting 11 March 2019
- Global Beef Outlook_MLA report
- Pork Market Outlook Rabobank Analysis Q1 2019
- UECBV Note Mercosur FTA negotiations update
- UECBV Note Beef import tariff quotas preferential import 2018-2019_Update as at 30Nov2018
- CDG_Animal_Products_Beef and Veal Sector_23Nov2018_draft minutes
- EU Agricultural Outlook 2018 - 6-7th December 2018
- Note on EU Agri-Food Trade – State of play August 2018
- China_poultry meat_new TRQs_procedure timeframe
- World Trend Sheep and Lamb market - August 2018
- 14207-Beef Market Outlook-Rabobank Analysis – Q3 2018
- UECBV Note Beef import tariff quotas preferential import 2017-2018_Update as at 30 June 2018
- EU Agri-Food Trade: State of play in May 2018
- Brexit: State of Play – July 2018
- 13895-UECBV Note Beef import tariff quotas preferential import 2017-2018_Update as at 31May2018
- Brexit - State of Play - June 2018
- 13853-CDG on sheep and goat meat Meeting 20 June 2018 Main outcomes
- 13840-BREXIT International aspects - note
- 13761-FWG Sheep and Goat meeting June 2018-report
- 13748-EU Agri-Food Trade State of Play in March 2018
- 13663-COMAGRI - MEPs report on Brazil - main points
- 13588-Civil Dialogue Group Poultry meeting 18th May 2018 report
- 13583-EU-MERCOSUR FTA negotiation_UECBV delegation action_Main outcomes
- 13547-FWG Poultry May 2018 report
- 13466-Brexit - State of Play April 2018
- 13309-Market Access_beef to China
- 13163-EU-Mercosur State of Play March 2018
- 13263-Proposal for Directive Unfair Trading Practices April 2018
- 13251-Short-term outlook for EU agricultural markets in 2018 and 2019
- 13211-UECBV Note Beef import tariff quotas preferential import 2017-2018_Update as at 28Feb2018
- 12798-The rise of big meat Brazil Extractive Industry
- 12997-Spanish meat market
- 13033-MMO meeting March 2018 main outcomes
- 12915-Electronic Customs UCC projects and EU Customs Single Window
- 11621-OECD FAO Agricultural Outlook 2017-2026 UECBV Note
- 12866-EU Meat Outlook 2018-2030
- 12728-Sanctions over Ukraine Impact Russia_European Parliament Briefing Main Outcomes
- 12695-Indian Beef and Buffalo meat sector
- 12754-COPA-COGECA Press Conference 24 January 2018
- 12642-UECBV Note Beef import tariff quotas preferential import 2017-2018_Update January 2018
- 12455-CDG on sheep meat_meeting 21.11.17_key points
- 12231-Canada-EU Read Meat Discussions in Brussels
- 11970-BREXIT - Future of Customs between the UK and the EU
- 11696-Potential Agricultural Trade Implications of the EU-Mercosur FTA on Brazil USDA report_UECBV note
- Shorterm Outlook and Australian Shorterm beef market Outlook July 2017
- 11738-Canada_New draft regulation for import quotas_UECBV note
- 11734-Towards a fairer food supply chain Public consultation launched by the EC August 2017
- 11508-UECBV Note Mercosur-EU trade negotiations update Civil Society Dialogue July 2017
- 11304-Market Intelligence Weekly Report 2017 Week 22
- 10655-Mayotte - Customs
- Dir F Report AUS ARG URU USA Beef for export_Doc.7554_Rev.1
- UECBV-L-001-2016-EN:EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement/Revised UECBV position-Beef sector
- An EU sustainable balanced pork market needs new export markets and re-opening of the existing ones_14Sept2015 - Press release
- European Trade Policy Day_UECBV report_CELCAA position paper on EU trade policy